Hi everyone!

For anyone still lurking around here and missed the FB updates:

First, I will definitely get to any comments here that I missed as I clean up and update the site. Thanks for your patience over the last few years.

Second, YES, I’m still writing! And have made a big dent in the final draft of “When Dying Is Done”. It’s hard to check in sometimes with just a roundabout “I promise it’s coming, promise I’m still around” kind of deal. And I don’t make promises about timelines because life is fickle and art even more so. But July is when I plan to have the final draft done and start the editing process. So there is, finally, good news to share about my pace for this book. It’s a big world I’ve created, and some very demanding characters and arcs in this story alone (why did I do this to myself?????).

The end of a story is always going to be the most demanding for me, as well. Sometimes the biggest issue is choosing a path among many to walk down when writing, one that feels real enough to let all the other options go without regrets. I’m on the chosen path, it’s just sharing the footsteps with you in chapter form. I’m ready to embrace the ending and let these characters go.

And I got the juice. lol. God, it feels good to have energy and have fun with writing again. It takes so much work that it needs to be fun, too.

I’ll be more active starting in June, I’ve got some admin stuff to clean up, comments and emails to catch up on. I do feel bad for falling off while some of you have been so kind about checking in and giving me such wonderful feedback about my work. Thank you for still being here, for buying, reviewing and sharing, and just generally being amazing. I am doing my best to thank you with a story that is worth the wait, and I hope to have the finished product out to you soon. I’ll be back with some music and inspiration for my current monster baby lol.

Much love to you all!