Of Course You Realize, This Means War
I was gifted a copy of the book The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield a couple of weeks ago by a good friend (Thanks Eden Connor!), which inspired today’s post. It’s an amazing book that breaks...
Why I Own the Title of Erotic Author
There was a pervasive theme this week in my timeline, but it’s not the first time the topic has come up. Porn. Sex. Erotica. Erotica with plot. Romance. There is a hierarchy here, as clear as crystal, and it says in a sinister whisper that some of these...
Borgia vs. The Borgias: A Valuable Lesson On Artistic Interpretation
Totally gonna geek out here, but this is the kind of stuff that inspires me. If you don’t give a shit about my winding mental processes or shows like The Borgias and Borgia, then I’m sorry. Feel free to skip to the end for my summation/epiphany, lol: I...