NaNoWriMo Day 5 – Forgotten (Excerpt 3)
Wow, this scene was a doozy to write! It started out as two separate encounters, but I combined it. It turned out to basically be a chapter long excerpt, but I like how it came out. I think you’ll really get a sense for Stark and Evie. I still have some research...
NaNoWriMo Day 4 – Hot Showers = Plot Twists
Hooray! I’m still technically behind where I’m supposed to be, but I broke 6k so it’s not impossible to make up a few hundred words. What is impossible at this point is avoiding “OMG” moments of revelation about my story in the shower....
NaNoWriMo Day 3 – Forgotten (Excerpt 2)
There are parts of this story that I’ve known would happen since I conceived the idea years ago. There are parts that I came up with 30 minutes before writing this post. But I’ve given myself permission to suck and be all over the place while writing the...