What Am I Doing?

“What am I doing…” I ask that question a lot lately, and for whatever reason I’ve gotten stuck in the pattern of answering it with Drake lyrics. There’s a lot of stuff in this business that will make you feel like you have a case of the Mondays everyday, and it will...

Closer Excerpt and Updates

Hey everyone! It’s been crazy busy since the last time I posted. Closer is finally done with formatting and that means ARCs have gone out! You guys have been awesome with pre-ordering too! Thank you so much for all your wonderful feedback on the teasers and the...

CJ Roberts Is Awesome

So, I made it to over 13k words, and that’s super, that’s awesome, I’m thrilled. I’ll share some of that with you later this weekend or Monday. But that’s like the second most awesome news I have to share today. CJ Roberts, the brilliant...

Writing Hangovers and Big Life Changes

After yesterday’s writing binge today was a big fat pile of blah. I didn’t even try. Sometimes that happens with me. I will get super inspired, consumed in the desire to complete a scene. I’ve been known to write 20 pages or more in a day if...