Why I Own the Title of Erotic Author

There was a pervasive theme this week in my timeline, but it’s not the first time the topic has come up.   Porn. Sex. Erotica. Erotica with plot. Romance.   There is a hierarchy here, as clear as crystal, and it says in a sinister whisper that some of these...

Wake Up Call

You ever walk outside on a cold winter day and get hit so hard in the face with a gust of frigid wind, that you feel like your entire bloodline for generations to come is awake? Like nature just slapped the absolute hell out of you and you have no words? Yeah, well...

Hello October!! (Forgotten Excerpt)

It’s WIP Wednesday and I’m excited! By the end of the month I’ll have the draft for Forgotten complete. And that leaves NaNoWriMo wide open for me to work on the draft for my historical set in the early 1900s. So, I figured it’s time to share a...

Mind Over Matter Release Day Is Here!!

It’s been a long, winding road to get to this point, but Mind Over Matter is finally here! If you pre-ordered your copy, you should already have it waiting in your device. And if not, it’s only a little bit longer till Amazon catches up and releases it to...

Mind Over Matter Excerpt

It was funny how he got lost every time he tried to find Jackie and Ian’s new home. It never ceased to elude him. Was he supposed to turn down Dolby St., or was it Hanover? They were so close together and he never could remember because everything in the fucking...

Sunday Excerpt

“What’re you doing?” Gia asked as she backed away, even though he stood unmoving, leaning against the door. “So, ‘Dimples’ downstairs is the boyfriend you were talking about?” he asked, ignoring her question. “Yeah, he is. You should...