NaNoWriMo Day 5 – Forgotten (Excerpt 3)

Wow, this scene was a doozy to write! It started out as two separate encounters, but I combined it. It turned out to basically be a chapter long excerpt, but I like how it came out. I think you’ll really get a sense for Stark and Evie. I still have some research...

NaNoWriMo Day 2 – Lazy Day

Saturday kicked off with a beast mode writing session, but today I barely made 1k words. It was a super lazy day and I don’t regret it. I was able to hit my word count and then some yesterday, but I am mindful of falling behind.Will have to get up early tomorrow...

Editing #1 Crush Is No Joke…

More like a black comedy. Like The Cable Guy, with Jim Carrey playing the role of my manuscript and Matthew Broderick playing the role of me. It started off as the beginning of a beautiful friendship. And then shit got real cah-ray-zee. Lol. But it all ended well (the...