When Dying Is Done Excerpt #2

Welp, it’s been a while so I figured a decent sized excerpt was in order. This is unedited, so please excuse any typos. I’ll try and catch them if I see them after I hit publish. Writing is going reallly well! I’d like to keep you guys in the loop...

TV and Movies: “We Dug Coal Together.”

Let’s talk TV and Movies. I rewatched Justified over the last couple of weeks, mostly because my mind was restless and needed something to latch onto while I build up mojo to write. Not background noise either. I needed something to make me think. Flitting...

What About Your Friends?

Last year I made the best decision I’ve made since starting my book Sunday back in 2008. I decided to self-publish and I noticed a discernible shift in myself. I was motivated to write, to navigate the world of publishing, to move to another state. I was back in love...