Mind Over Matter Excerpt

It was funny how he got lost every time he tried to find Jackie and Ian’s new home. It never ceased to elude him. Was he supposed to turn down Dolby St., or was it Hanover? They were so close together and he never could remember because everything in the fucking...

Sunday Excerpt

“What’re you doing?” Gia asked as she backed away, even though he stood unmoving, leaning against the door. “So, ‘Dimples’ downstairs is the boyfriend you were talking about?” he asked, ignoring her question. “Yeah, he is. You should...

Closer Excerpt and Updates

Hey everyone! It’s been crazy busy since the last time I posted. Closer is finally done with formatting and that means ARCs have gone out! You guys have been awesome with pre-ordering too! Thank you so much for all your wonderful feedback on the teasers and the...